Twas the day before Camp Nanowrimo…

(D) Kai Wilson-Viola
1 min readJun 30, 2022

And all through the land…

Butterflies and writing, ’Twas the night before Camp Nanowrimo’

Twas the night before Camp Nanowrimo,
and all through the land,
writers are packing,
dust-bunnies at hand.
With joyous abandon,
and a hint of glee,
some writers are planning,
getting ready to play.
Others are panicking,
not ready at all,
just go with the flow,
the words are enough.



(D) Kai Wilson-Viola

Corraler, cajoler, creator and collator of symbols. Biohazard tattoo'd - contents hazardous to biologicals - #Nanowrimo ML and #bipolar